
Showing posts from July, 2023

Monday, July 24, 2023

 Hey there! Wow, this month has been a whirlwind of my former friends depression and fear!  I couldn't log anymore entries this month because I was severely depressed.  Then I realized the root of my depression.  I came to believe that it was the constant streaming of different channels.  I was becoming addicted to them hoping to distract myself from my moods.   While I think streaming is convenient and awesome, I was abusing it to lift my moods. The time I could have spent writing my book or blogging I instead spent on entertaining fears and depression.   I'm holding off on my book and Web site in lieu of getting-out-of-my comfort zone activities, like getting out of bed during the day to pray for God's will in my life.   When I hear His answers, I will resume less important activities. I might even reconsider going back to my streaming TV, but I want to be in a better space to do so. I reduced my watching to only one channel and my depression since lifted. That's all